Putting the Customer First

Every time an engineer or service technician goes out on a service call, they follow one core, guiding principle of The Dirks Group’s culture: Always put yourself in the customer’s shoes. It’s an old adage, but in dealing with new technology and the importance it plays in business today, it is more appropriate than ever.


Straightforward. Dependable. Principled.

Rely on The Dirks Group and you’re never in the dark. We believe it’s essential to keep you informed when we’re working on an issue.

Within the first hour of any service call, we will give you a report of what we’ve learned and offer options for solving the problem. You’ll have the information you need to make the final call. And once our course of action is determined, we’ll provide you with frequent, timely updates through completion.

Integrity is important to us. We believe it is important in our professional and personal growth, and is the foundation of the meaningful relationships we build in both worlds. We strive to balance all aspects of our lives, and view our clients as our friends.