Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ransomware: 5 Do’s And Don’ts

I despise all forms of bullying. Perhaps the one I hate most of all is where the bully takes a personal item, snatching it from you, and refuses to give it back. It’s dangled right in front of you, but held just out of reach. You’ll only get it back after doing whatever the bully wants.

Ransomware is an on-line form of the bully’s game of keep-away. Here, the bully gets on your computer and takes your personal files -words documents, photos, financial information, all the things you care about. Those files are still on your computer, dangling in from of you, but they are encrypted now, useless to you. In order to get them unencrypted, you’ll need to pay the bully 300-500 dollars.

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How can virtualization save your business?

Winter is a time when Mother Nature reminds us that even the best laid plans can go wrong. Protect your small or midsized business from the unexpected by implementing virtualization technologies to optimize resources, improve application availability, and reduce downtime.

Virtualization saves. Pooling server, storage, and network resources takes advantage of spare capacity and saves money on space, utility costs, and administrative effort. At the same time, virtualization provides opportunities for failover and load-balancing, resulting in greater application and data availability.

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The best way to prepare for disasters and security breaches

What would happen if your company lost your critical business data? Whether your application is email, your website, accounts receivable or any other critical application, your IT infrastructure is vital to protecting your data—and to your business overall. If critical data is corrupted or lost due to disaster or security breaches, immediate business consequences may result. Decreased profitability, a blemished reputation, or loss of customers may cost you your business. Think of your IT infrastructure as the first line of defense. Arm that defense with technology that is designed to be resilient, highly available, and secure.

Do you need to be more proactive when it comes to securing and protecting your data? Start with understanding your exposure that results from incomplete protection. Consider your infrastructure and the following:

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